Quand nous rentrons a la maison, nous avons faim et, vu le froid, une bonne soupe ne serait pas de refus; seulement, de la soupe, nous n'en avons point, de legumes non plus. C'est alors que nous vient une super bonne idee (une idee de genie, ca serait exagere), et si nous allions au "Green cafe", un resto vegetalien de la rue d'a cote? De la soupe, ils en auront surement!!!
This morning, Brian, Frifri and I braved the rain and glacial winds to go to a garage sale craft fair a few blocks away. It was nice, and the people there were pretty crafty, for lack of a better word, and did amazing things with old sweaters and used bike chains. Handbags, stuffed animals, clothing (yes, with bike chains) but, I digress.
When we got back to the house, we were hungry, and given the cold, a good soup was the first thing to come to mind; but with no soup at the house, or vegetables either for that matter, we had the great idea (ingenious idea would be an exaggeration) to go to the "Green Cafe," a vegan restaurant around the block. Surely they must have some soup! Only seconds after sitting down, reality struck - "Soup? No, I'm sorry." But since we were there, we thought we would stick it out and started navigating the menu - whole grains, raw options, gluten free, soy free, protein supplements (?). I started to get lost in the menu but finally chose a lentil curry with brown rice. Of course, rice - they were out of that as well. No brown rice, white rice, or even potatoes. Hard to imagine a vegan restaurant without rice, soup, or potatoes! What a sorry excuse. I know we decided to eat healthy, but bird food. That's where we draw the line.
When we got back to the house, we were hungry, and given the cold, a good soup was the first thing to come to mind; but with no soup at the house, or vegetables either for that matter, we had the great idea (ingenious idea would be an exaggeration) to go to the "Green Cafe," a vegan restaurant around the block. Surely they must have some soup! Only seconds after sitting down, reality struck - "Soup? No, I'm sorry." But since we were there, we thought we would stick it out and started navigating the menu - whole grains, raw options, gluten free, soy free, protein supplements (?). I started to get lost in the menu but finally chose a lentil curry with brown rice. Of course, rice - they were out of that as well. No brown rice, white rice, or even potatoes. Hard to imagine a vegan restaurant without rice, soup, or potatoes! What a sorry excuse. I know we decided to eat healthy, but bird food. That's where we draw the line.
Brian, dubitatif, devant son plat de gnocchis en caoutchouc et son supplement proteine
(du tofu compresse gout steak hache.)
(du tofu compresse gout steak hache.)
A skeptical Brian, stares down Korean rubber gnocchis and his protein supplement
(steak flavored compressed tofu.)
(steak flavored compressed tofu.)
Pour nous consoler, une fois sortis, nous avons file, a une fete russe organisee par...une eglise orthodoxe. Faut bien que nous nous mettions dans l'ambiance!
To lift our spirits, we rushed to a Russian celebration, organized by an orthodox church. We have to start getting our feet wet sooner or later!
Et de l'ambiance il y en a eu!
And did we get our feet wet!
Dans les fetes russes, les gens mangent! Pour de vrai! Pas de graines crues, ni d'omelettes sans oeufs, mais des Pirozhki a la viande et des gateaux au pavot. Delicieux!
And did we get our feet wet!
Jeune ephebe russe jouant de la guitare (et parfois du pipeau de la clarinette me dit Brian) en chantant tres fort des airs que d'autres jeunes ephebes reprennent en coeur, la larme a l'oeil et la vodka a la main,en pensant a la mere patrie. J'ai reconnu "Kalinka" et "La musique de Tetris"...
Young Russian adonis playing the guitar (and sometimes the reed-pipe clarinet says Brian) and singing hymes that moved the hearts of other young adonises, bringing tears to their eyes, and vodka to their hands, while thinking of the motherland. I recognized "Kalinka" and "The music from Tetris"...
Dans les fetes russes, des jeunes qui veulent frimer dansent le kazatchok puis, fatigues, retournent s'asseoir. La vieille dame a danse pendant deux heures, elle!
During Russian celebrations, to show off, young Russians dance the kazatchok, and then tired, return to their seats for a breather. The old woman danced for two hours, straight!
Dans les fetes russes, les gens mangent! Pour de vrai! Pas de graines crues, ni d'omelettes sans oeufs, mais des Pirozhki a la viande et des gateaux au pavot. Delicieux!
Russian celebrations, people eat! As if their lives depended on it!
No bird food, or omelettes without eggs, but meat-filled Pirozhki and
poppy-seed cakes. Delicious!
Dans les fetes russes, les gens boivent un premier shot de vodka aux airelles! Puis un deuxieme... (ne nous jettez pas la pierre, je sais que ce n'est pas bien de rapporter mais, nous avons vu un pretre passer avec des bieres a la main!!)
During Russian parties, people drink their first shot of cranberry flavored vodka! Then another...(we won't throw stones, but it's worth mentioning that we saw a priest pass with several bottles of beer in hand.
Bref, les fetes russes, c'est tellement bien que les gens decident d' y retourner le lendemain.
Pour le boeuf strogonoff bien sur, what else?
In short, Russian parties are so great, that people come back the next day.
For beef strogonoff of course, what else?
ha je croyais que vous vous etiez convertis mais vu la tête de Brian avec son asticot /fayot j'en doutais, alors a la fin du reportage je vous retrouve avec un sourire aux levres et....un verre a la main Ouf
RépondreSupprimerOn ne pense pas assez souvent à la musique de tetris pour mettre de l'ambiance...
RépondreSupprimerMoi je dis: vive les lardons !!!
RépondreSupprimerzaza: convertis?! nous?! jamais! nous sommes des irreductibles! Vive la viande! et l'alcool!
RépondreSupprimercaro:si j avais su, je l aurais demandee au mariage!
Couillue: on l a pense tres fort! les autres clients n'avaient pas bonne mine, les proteines animales c'est la vie!
je vois que dans votre vie vous prenez des risques !!!!! végétarien vous avez dit végétarien , pour sur c'était pas la grande bouffe de Marco Férreri heureusement vous vous ètes bien rattrapé je dis bravossimo !!!!!!